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Body Scrub


Makes: 3:  6 oz jars
Time: 20 minutes

Good for the Body, Mind, & Soul


I love soft and smooth skin…do you? Well, if you want something that is safe enough to eat and that can be gentle enough to go down your drains, you’ve come to the right place! You can make with any sized grain of sugar, but the larger the sugar granuales are, the coarser the scrub and I wouldn’t recommend (unless you’re scrubbing away sandpaper, ouch!). So, I use the type of sugar I make for my hummingbirds, refined white sugar. This makes the scrub nice and gentle for your skin, but still avoid your gorgeous face because that is such delicate skin you don’t want micro-tears. I love using this scrub before I shave my long legs and you’ll like this too…it does give you a closer shave and exfoliates those nasty ingrown hairs, so be mindful when you’re shaving (cuts are not fun). This is also gentle enough for you to use every day…and gives your body that added nourishment from the oil so you may not need to add extra lotion once you step out of the shower. BUT…it also adds a slick layer to the floor so make sure you are SAFE when showering!! Also, hit your shower floor with some cleaner (I love using my Orange Cleaner here too) when you are done using to help suds away the oil!


  • 2 cups Sugar, small sugar grain/refined white sugar

  • 2 cups Coconut Oil

  • 10-20 drops of desired Essential Oil (optional)

  • 1 Tablespoon of Organic* flowers of choice, dried (optional)


* Recommend organic as adding flowers from conventional growers can cause reactions from pesticide use.


  1. In a medium size bowl, add sugar and coconut oil. Mix until everything is evenly dispersed.

  2. Add your choice of dried flowers if using. I like using what is around my neck of the woods, so lavender, calendula, rose petals, etc. I usually harvest myself, but these are also easily found at DIY and/or craft stores.

  3. Mix well.

  4. Add to a jar or tin, being careful if using glass to not break in bathroom.

  5. Can last up to 3 months depending on environment it is stored.

  6. Enjoy!


  • If you want to make larger or smaller batches, it’s a 1:1 ratio of sugar and coconut oil, meaning 1 part of sugar to 1 part coconut oil.

  • I like the listed amount because it lasts a month or so for daily use.

  • Be careful with the oil on the floor/bathtub as it will make it slippery, use the orange cleaner on the floor/tub after bathing to remove the oil residue and prevent slipping/falling


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Body Scrub


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