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Water Kefir


Makes: 32 fluid ounces

Serves: 4

Time to Make: 5 minutes + Ferment Time

Good for the Body, Mind, & Soul


Welcome to your high maintenance beverage of all time, water kefir! She’s a beaut, but wow, she’ll make you sweat and beg for more! I’ve “thrown out” my fair share of “moonshine” with this difficult little monster, so please be patient with yourself if you are making, finding your flow with this sweet elixir is not as easy as I would like, but so worth it!


Water kefir has many of the benefits you’ll find in milk-based kefir, but it’s just not as powerful. It’s the light version sort of speak and has endless flavors, similar to kombucha, but water kefir is like the fancy version of kombucha and much more high-maintenance. You’ll need to watch the temperature and check her often, usually it’s a 24-48 hour ferment, but it can vary. You can also do a second ferment (this is where you flavor to your heart’s desire) and really make her shine! Just like all second beverage ferments, you’ll want to use dried fruits, veggies, spices and herbs, and add some sugar. If you use fresh, it can potentially bring in some bacteria and spoil the ferment unless you consume right away.


  • ¼ cup Water Kefir Grains

  • ¼ cup Sugar**

  • 32 Fluid Ounces, Water, Filtered

  • **If using Coconut Water, use 2 Tablespoons of Cane Sugar per Quart of Filtered Water


  1. Place the kefir grains in a glass container with a lid or cheesecloth/coffee filter, I love Fido jars for this ferment.

  2. Add the water

  3. Gently stir in the sugar

  4. Cover the container with its respective lid (Fido jar), or cheesecloth/coffee filter and secure with a rubber band.

  5. Leave on a counter at room temperature for 24-48 hours. The temperature will determine the ferment time. Ideally 65-76 degree F. A warmer environment will speed the ferment, cooler temp will lengthen the time.

  6. Once the kefir has reached the desired taste, it’s ready to strain the grains.

  7. You can use a mesh strainer and place on top of a jar. Gently pour the kefir water into a container you want to use. This action will collect the grains in the strainer. You may need to remove the grains and place in another FIDO jar or fermenting jar if the grains have grown where you are capturing more than 1-2 Tablespoons (or a great gift for a friend/neighbor).

  8. Once all the kefir grains are strained away and in your fermenting jar, repeat the process and add more water and sugar.

  9. Enjoy!


  1. If you want to add some flavor to your kefir, this is where it will work.

  2. I love blending fresh, seasonal fruit and enjoying the varying flavors. Dried, candied and powdered fruits work really well

  3. You can also add fresh, dried, or powdered fruits, veggies, spices and/or herbs. If you’re using these, you’ll want to make a “tea”. So, heat up water and add the desired fruits, veggies, spices, and/or herbs to the water. Let it infuse for 3-5 minutes or until you’ve reached the desired taste. Remove, stir in 1 tsp of sugar (optional if you prefer it sweetened), mix well and let the flavored sweetened water cool to room temperature.

  4. Add the “flavored tea” to the kefir water for its second ferment.

  5. Cover the container, and let it sit out on the counter for 24-48 hours using dried ingredients in 65-76 degree F.

  6. This will only last about 48 hours, so drink up!

  7. Enjoy!


*Pictured, I used candied ginger and beet powder to the second ferment. I left the candied ginger in the second ferment of the water kefir, but you can remove the fruit after the second ferment



  • Adding about 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda will give minerals to the grains for growth

  • After each brew, allow the grains to rest for about 20 minutes in spring water or filtered water before adding the sugar

GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery, and may cause health problems.


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Welcome to Health-Crush Nutritional Label for this meal. See how it fits into your daily nutritional needs. This meal includes all the ingredients above, so any deviation can alter the nutrition. As always, should you have any questions, please consult with me and/or your medical professional.

Water Kefir Nutrition Label


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